Friday 30 December 2016

Xmas Holiday Boredom Busting Blogs

Whilst it has been a lovely Xmas I am now finding myself feeling very bored, I have abandoned facebook as it is so depressing with all the news of celebrity deaths over the past week and a few facebook friends themselves have met their untimely demise, so I have been doing some blog hopping.

I do not usually have much time to read many blogs but have found myself with plenty of time on my hands so thought why not!.

The kids do not seem to be remotely interested in anything I have to offer, apart from food. They are quite content playing with the things they got for Xmas, although Olivia did invite me for a quick game of snap which was kind of her. Oliver is Minecraft mad in both you tube videos and the game and something called ratchet and Clank so I have only heard a grunt or two out of him for the past few days.

Olivia has commandeered the living room TV surfing youtube videos of all her favourite pop stars, which is a good thing as she is unwittingly having to do some spelling for herself, she even asked where the Michael Jackson book was so she could have a read, which is encouraging as she is not a keen reader.

The cleaning of the house was done before the Xmas holidays, I spent a week going through every draw, cupboard and nook and cranny in the house cleaning and clearing out the clutter, so the housework is done and my January clear out, and I have vowed not to touch any work at all until the 6th, giving myself an extended holiday. (the perks of self-employment).

I picked up a book or two but just did not seem to be able to get in the mood for book reading, I have even tried to devise some New Years resolutions which seemed like a waste of time as they are never kept, although one New Years resolution is to have 'sex' this year, but I highly doubt it with the twins in tow, lol.

I did do a review of my spending habits and I have set myself some goals you can read about that here, Olivia is talking a lot about our camping trip this year, which I have not really thought about much, apart from deciding I want to do a wild camping trip to Scotland, but Oliver is dead set against that idea, Olivia is very much looking forwards to our camping escapades this year, she is becoming a keen camper.

So with all that in mind I have been looking at some blogs to relieve some boredom and was not short of ideas on what I wanted to look for so here are some of the blogs I found most inspiring:-

This one by katewildcamping which as it says on the tin, about wild camping, really inspired me to keep going with Oliver in the hope that he will eventually agree to the wild camping trip this year to Scotland.

 This is something that has been playing on my bored little mind lately, the oven cleaning after all the holidays are over and the none stop use of my oven so here is a great blog with an oven cleaning tip aptly entitled 'How to clean an oven with baking soda and vinegar'

I love this blog post, 7 Frugal living skills you should be teaching your children many of the things mentioned in this blog post I have done with the twins during the past year so it resonates and encourages me to keep going with the frugal education life skills with the kids.

What a great blog Dirty Gourmet is, there are tonnes of recipes by a group of women who did a bike tour across Canada, very handy for some camping meal ideas.

I love this home school country living mommas blog but I particularly like the dehydrating food post, some food for thought for our camping trips and healthy eating frugal plans and I love her post on how to cull chickens when they stop laying she makes it look very easy.

I just love this post Treat yourself like a guest, I always feel great when I have done a good clean and de-clutter, it's like a new me is born for a short time until the piles of clothes start building up and the dishes stay in the sink until dinner time, but I love the analogy of treat yourself like a guest, I think it is the perfect gift you can give yourself and that is why I always do a de-clutter before the madness of Xmas hits.

Love this blog with a list of 18 of the best childrens books of 2016, there are a couple of books on this list that I may investigate for the twins, so they may end upon our book of the week list.  

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