Friday, 8 September 2017

Home educating during illness!..

It has been a hard week this week, we have all been struck with a tummy bug.

Saturday was a touch and go day but we managed to go to the Caravan and Circus Raj performance, by Sunday Olivia was throwing up like a good un, so Monday was a day of pitty and a lack of sleep, Tuesday was pretty much the same as by this time Oliver started throwing up throughout the night.

By Wednesday I had completely lost what day it was and by Thursday I started feeling pretty rough myself but I had a client dropping off some stock and I knew I had to go and do some buying for work so peeled us off the couch to get some fresh air and get some work done.

We decided to brave it and go to the recycling centre tour, which was brilliant and I am so glad we braved it for the day. I got to see another home edder who I had not seen for about 3 years, it was really lovely bumping into her there, after the tour we came home, dumped off the work stuff I purchased earlier in the day and spent the rest of the day vegged out on the couch followed by throwing up myself the rest of the night.

Friday was a complete wright off and I had given up by this point and the twins did not even get to Badgers.

I received a call earlier on in the day finding out why we had missed this weeks lessons on the photography course  I had completely forgotten we had booked onto. I didn't even have the energy to call or email them back.

Saturday we had planned to go on the heritage open day, where we get to go to places you wouldn't normally get to go, but, feeling like we do I think we will try that one next year.. 

We will have Saturday off and just go to the Shift workshop celebrating Alan Turing's early work on Sunday instead, we all should be feeling slightly better by then,.

I can firmly say this week has been a total washout, we have all been moody and short tempered and quite frankly we are all starving, beans on toast and soup just doesn't cut it with these kids, although I have not eaten anything all week, I cannot wait to have a proper cooked meal that will stay down.

Lets hope we get a better week next week as it is going to be busy catching up with work and getting back into the swing of things, I was about to redecorate the kids bedroom this week, but only ended up sorting through and throwing away their old clothes, the toy cull can come next week when we are all more in the mood, trying to clear their room out to decorate is hard enough without being ill at the same time.

Onwards and upwards and looking forwards to a better, healthier week...


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